Suggested contribution levels:
$25 Member
$100 Benefactor
$250 Steward
$___ Other
To contribute with PayPal:
See below for other contribution options
Pleasant Lake/Parker Pond Association would not exist without members’ contributions of time, talent, expertise, wisdom, energy, stewardship, and money. Donations fund the Courtesy Boat Inspection Program, training and equipment for water quality monitoring and invasive plant patrols, and participation with the towns of Casco and Otisfield in oversight of the Pleasant Lake Dam. They fund ongoing educational programs (including speakers at our Annual Meeting), signage, and community outreach. They enable us to marshall resources to respond to problems, such as eradication of milfoil in Lily Brook and engagement of consultants jump-start replacement of the deteriorating old dam.
We value every contribution, in every form. Not everyone has time to scout for invasive plants or monitor dissolved oxygen content. Not everyone has the expertise to interact productively with busy town managers. If you care enough about our lakes to read these words, if you want our lakes to provide tomorrow the pleasure they provide today, then you are an essential member of the Pleasant Lake and Parker Pond community. Perhaps this site will pique your curiosity to attend one of our meetings, or learn more about lake ecology, or ensure that your property complies with the Maine Lakes Society LakeSmart guidelines. Understanding and caring about the impact of our lives on and around the lakes may be the most important contribution any of us can make.
If you would like to learn more about our programs or volunteer in some capacity, please contact us. If you would like to make contribute financially, select one of these methods. Pleasant Lake/Parker Pond Association is a federal 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation. Those who make calendar-year donations of $250 or more will receive after year end a receipt acknowledging the total contribution to include with their tax return.
Note: If you donated to Pleasant Lake/Parker Pond Association before, the contact information you supplied with your donation is in our database. If you are donating for the first time, or if you wish to update your contact information, you may use this form.
To contribute by check:
Mail a check payable to Pleasant Lake/Parker Pond Association to—
Post Office Box 419
Casco, ME 04015
To contribute from a donor-advised fund:
Pleasant Lake/Parker Pond Association is listed as a charitable 501(c)(3) organization with Fidelity Donor Advised Funds, Schwab Charitable, and other donor-advised funds. If you need information to add Pleasant Lake/Parker Pond Association as an eligible organization to your donor-advised fund manager contact David Randall, our Treasurer, at
To make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD):
Association members who are at least 70 1/2 years old and receiving required minimum distributions (RMD) from an IRA may be able to satisfy all or part of their RMD through a contribution to the Association. Per the United States Internal Revenue Service “IRA FAQs – Distributions (Withdrawals)”—
a qualified charitable distribution is an otherwise taxable distribution from an IRA (other than an ongoing SEP or SIMPLE IRA) owned by an individual who is age 70 ½ or over that is paid directly from the IRA to a qualified charity. See Publication 590-B, Distributions from Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs) for additional information.
. . . For example, if your [ ] required minimum distribution was $10,000, and you made a $5,000 qualified charitable distribution for [ ], you would have had to withdraw another $5,000 to satisfy your [ ] required minimum distribution.
Source: (checked 9-Nov-21 @ 12:14 pm)
If you wish to make a Qualified Charitable Distribution to the Association, consult your accountant or tax advisor to ensure you comply with all requirements for doing so.