A constant threat to Maine’s pristine lakes, ponds, and rivers are the eleven plant invaders transported by boats and other means from infested lakes to non infested lakes. The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) addresses invasive aquatic plants in three ways:
- Prevention—courtesy boat inspections and public education
- Early detection—periodic on-water monitoring for invasive plant infestations
- Control—removing invasive plants through various DEP-approved methods
Pleasant Lake/Parker Pond Association has experienced all three. Variable Leaf Milfoil was discovered by boaters in Lily Brook, the connector between Parker Pond and Pleasant Lake. PL/PPA members successfully controlled the outbreak. A few years later a fisherman discovered a small outbreak in Dolly Brook at the north end of Pleasant Lake. PL/PPA volunteers again responded and successfully controlled the Variable Leaf Milfoil.
We are lucky to have the resources of the Lake Stewards of Maine (formerly Volunteer Lake Monitoring program) to help us identify, monitor for, and control invasive aquatic plants.
“The Mission of Lake Stewards of Maine (LSM) is to help protect Maine lakes through widespread citizen participation in the gathering and dissemination of credible scientific information pertaining to lake health. LSM trains, certifies and provides technical support to hundreds of volunteers who monitor a wide range of indicators of water quality, assess watershed health and function, and screen lakes for invasive aquatic plants and animals. In addition to being the primary source of lake data in the State of Maine, LSM volunteers benefit their local lakes by playing key stewardship and leadership roles in their communities.”
- In summer 2020 Lake Stewards of Maine is offering online Invasive Plant Patrol Workshops and Certification.
- Plant Patrol Workshop participants receive a copy of LSM’s Invasive Plant Patroller Handbook
- They also receive a copy of Maine’s Field Guide to Invasive Aquatic Plants
If you enjoy being out on the lake in a kayak, boat, paddle board or any other means, please consider joining our group of PL/PPA lake monitors. The more the merrier. You can contact Marygrace Barber at [email protected].